Lou Harrand is the awesome face behind YogaBomb, a state of the art, custom-made hot yoga studio based right in the heart of the city of York. She has incredible energy and a real lust for life after becoming a survivor of the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami whilst on honeymoon with her husband Greg.
YogaBomb opened its doors in 2015 and since then its evolved and grown into a real community space offering around 30 classes a week plus alternative workshops including Gong Baths, Reiki and Pinch my Ass-ana! to name just a few.
As well as being one of our amazing Yoga Stops Traffick official sponsors, Lou has also agreed to donate all of the proceeds taken at YogaBomb on the 15th March to the campaign.
More information on classes and the wonderful events at YogaBomb can be found here:
Read on for an inspiring peek into her life….
Why has your company chosen to support our global campaign Yoga Stops Traffick?
One of my students, the lovely Jane, comes along to classes at Yogabomb and introduced me to Yoga Stops Traffick as she is a marketing volunteer for the campaign. Having young children myself, I wanted to be involved with this campaign. The stories of the women and young children in Southern India are so shocking, I believe that by raising awareness and opening the world’s eyes to these situations, we can make a difference if we all shout loud enough. Having a yoga studio enabled me to provide a channel for Yoga Stops Traffick to be heard in my community.
What is your role within the company?
What does your typical ‘work day’ look like?
Yoga, coffee, yoga, more coffee, admin, mum taxi running after my 3 children!
How did you come to the practice of yoga?
After being caught up in the Asian Tsunami 2004 I really struggled with my mental health. A good friend introduced me to yoga and I was instantly hooked. It was further down the line that I realised what an impact a regular yoga practice was having on me mentally as well as physically.
What impact has regular yoga had on your mind & body?
Yoga has helped to maintain my upper body strength and I am able to relieve stress and tension from my body physically, staying supple and without joint pain! Mentally – yoga helps massively, it helps to keep me calm and focused. I definitely notice if I miss out on my mat time!
Which is your favourite yoga pose?
Probably headstand, I love to turn my world upside down, and it is so energising. It helps me to make decisions and gives me a boost when feeling sluggish. Also, we store toxins in our legs which need a good flush out every now and then!
How else do you practice ‘self care’ in your life?
I have regular acupuncture, use herbal medicines, meditation, energy healing and have a huge (ever growing) collection of crystals. I have made some big changes to my life over the last couple of years, prioritising myself and the impact has been immeasurable. I also have an amazing group of women around me who are my lifeboat friends and keep me grounded.
Who/What has been your biggest inspiration?
My children. They inspire me to be the best version of myself possible. I want to be around for their future.
What do you think is the biggest issue facing the global yoga community?
There are so many sidekicks to yoga nowadays, everyone is trying to reinvent the wheel and yoga is so huge, it seems to be that everyone wants to jump onboard. It is becoming too commercialised and everyone wants to be a yoga teacher or an ‘Insta Yogi”. I believe that this is taking away the true essence of yoga. Yoga is the union of mind, body and breath. We need to keep this close to our hearts and remember the foundations of this beautiful practice.
What’s on the horizon for your company?
More of the same. I don’t want to expand or franchise. I love the personal feel to Yogabomb, I don’t want to lose that by going too big. Yogabomb is a true community of normal people who come together to practice yoga, all holding space for each other, it is wonderful to witness, and to be a part of.
What message would you like to give to everyone taking part in Yoga Stops Traffick 2020?
Together we can make a difference! If all yogis across the world give a little of our time and energy to this amazing cause, imagine what an impact we could have.